With its modern facilities and leading-edge technology meeting current ecological conscience, SOURCETECH QUÍMICA is a Brazilian company dedicated to the development and the production of raw materials and drugs from natural origin. The company\s activities are geared to production and commercialization of vegetal active principles for pharmaceutic and alimentary usage.
Aiming the exploitation of the several resources from the Brazilian flora and fauna, the company - within its basic goals - operates a department for research and development of new products and processes in addition to collaboration with the Development Centers of main Universities of the country.
SOURCETECH QUÍMICA was inspected by the Ministry of Health of Brazil - Ministério da Saúde do Brasil - and authorized to produce under "GMP - Good Manufactures Practices" resolutions elaborated by "WHO - World Health Organization".
The company obtained its registration at the "US FDA - Food and Drug Administration" of the United States of America on May, 2nd, 1997. On March, 30th, 1998, the "Certification of Suitability of Monographs of the European Pharmacopoeia" was issued by the "European Department for the Quality of Medicines" of the "European Commission".
Now the company is dedicating intensely to the study and the development of new products from the Brazilian fauna and flora, mainly originating from the Amazon region, taking specially into account the support of environment and preservation of the native species.