Our firm provides consulting services and advocacy for over 18 years, for small, medium and large companies, including defending the interests of individuals, in different branches of activity. <br><br>Our office is located in Rio Grande do Sul, with headquarters in Sapiranga and points of care in the cities of Dois Irmãos and São Leopoldo. We also nationally through associated offices and correspondents in all states of the Federation. <br><br>We maintain relationships with service law firm abroad, directly or through associated offices. <br><br>We provide general legal services in the following practice areas:<br><br>CIVIL LAW <br> Family Law<br> Succession - Inventories and Shares <br> Ownership and Property (Usucapião) <br> Obligations and Contracts <br> Liability - compensation <br><br>REAL ESTATE LAW <br> Leasing and Condominiums <br><br>LAW AND REGISTRAL Notarial <br> Lots <br> Dismemberment <br> Rectification of property titles <br><br>CONSUMER LAW <br><br>COMMERCIAL LAW <br><br>REGISTRATION OF MARKS/TRADEMARKS
- legal services
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Strassburger Advogadas Associadas
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Business type
- legal services trademark CIVIL LAW Family Law Succession - Inventories and Shares Ownership and Property (Usucapião) Obligations and Contracts Liability - compensation REAL ESTATE LAW Leasing and Condominiums LAW AND REGISTRAL Notarial Lots Dismemberment Rectification of property titles CONSUMER LAW COMMERCIAL LAW REGISTRATION OF MARKS/TRADEMARKS
Contact and location
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+55 51********
Sapiranga / RS | Brazil