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Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2017



About Us

The business of UNIVIDROS is the glass. And in UNIVIDROS the business are transparent, safe and long lasting, like glass. The company was born inspired by the entrepreneurship of the glazier Pedro Manoel Nascimento, who in 1969, with 40 years of age, he started a small shop that sold and paid services. Founded on 26 December 1988, the UNIVIDROS engaged in manufacturing of curved and tempered glass for the most diverse applications, serving clients throughout Brazil.
Installed in the city of Tubarão, Santa Catarina, a place blessed by God, between the mountains and the sea, the UNIVIDROS has won the national market of glass, providing products for the building industry, furniture industry, refrigeration, decoration, lighting, among others, always striving for quality in production and speed in delivery.
The UNIVIDROS presents your product line, a result of the processing and transformation of glass, which are only possible by applying technology, for the work and dedication of its employees and by unstinting willingness to make friends, as much as, to do business.

Main Markets

  • South America



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Business type
  • Industry / Manufacturer

  • Glass

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Renata G. Fernandes
  • icone de telefone +55 48 xxxxxxxx
  • map-marker Tubarão / SC | Brazil

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