We provide complete patent and trademark services as follows:<br><br> Advisory And Consulting <br>Knowing what can be registered and what is required for registration is the most important issue to be considered before taking any step in the Intellectual Property area. Its no use being the owner of a technological development that cannot be protected from infringement, or requesting protection for something that cannot be contested in court. Advising and assisting its clients is the main contribution VALOR marcas e patentes can offer. And for that, the firm possesses the main required qualities: knowledge and competence. <br><br> Patents<br>Brazilian culture leaves much to be desired when talking about the protection of its inventions or technological developments. Disbelief in the legal system in cases of dispute causes most of businessmen to underrate the legal aspects involving protection, thus resulting in great losses to companies. Any novel idea developed as a result from a creative activity and which possesses an industrial application can be registered and protected, thus granting its proprietor the right of exclusive use for manufacturing, licensing and marketing for a period of 15 or 20 years. The Engineering department at VALOR marcas e patentes can help you best protect your interests by drafting, filing, prosecuting and following-up patent applications and proceedings in Brazil and abroad, thereby ensuring you all the rights provided by the Industrial Property Law. <br><br> Industrial Designs<br>New plastic forms of any products can be protected with an industrial design registration, thus granting the holder exclusive use of up to 25 years for its manufacturing, licensing and marketing. This kind of registration is quickly granted and provides effective and reliable legal support in case of infringement.<br><br> Trademarks<br>A trademark should be a synonym for product and service quality and customer satisfaction. Taking that into account, trademarks must be protected against infringement by third parties, so as to allow for its continuous, safe and reliable development. VALOR marcas e patentes can provide a complete service in this area from trademark searches, analysis of the viability of application, filing, prosecuting and surveillance of trademark applications and proceedings both in Brazil and abroad.<br><br> Copyrights<br>For copyright registration, an application filed with the National Library, the National Institute of Music or the National Institute of Fine Arts, in Rio de Janeiro, grants the holder all the rights provided by the Copyright Law. Characters, websites, packaging layout, pictures, photographs, texts, books, poetry, songs, etc., are included in this form of registration, which assures international validity of up to 70 years after the death of the author. <br><br> Software<br>Registering a computer program through its source-code assures its guardianship for a period of up to 50 years thus preventing others from copying it in whole or in part. Software can also be protected via patent application, in the event of a novel application, in which case with a more comprehensive effect and exclusive use for 20 years. In the first case, as with copyrights, protection is worldwide, while in the second case, it works as with patent applications, that is, it should be applied for in all the desired countries.<br><br> International Registrations<br>International patent, trademark and industrial design application processes must be performed separately in each desired country, because protection is granted in the countries in which such registrations are made only. Besides operating in all national territory, VALOR marcas e patentes has contacts and holds partnerships with international patent and trademark offices in order to assist clients with a high quality and effective service in the industrial property area. Information to owners is centralized, allowing them to focus on their branch of activity.<br><br> IP Legal Services:<br>Attorneys specialized in services in the area of Intellectual Property Rights are essential for obtaining concrete results for the protection of the rights of clients. Our staff has a ten-year experience in the several issues in this area, namely:<br><br>- patent and trademark purchase and sale agreements; <br>- license agreements; <br>- non-disclosure agreements and restriction on outsourcing; <br>- registration of technology transfer agreements; <br>- preparation of oppositions, answers to contestations/objections, and administrative nullity procedures; <br>- extrajudicial notifications; <br>- technical reports and legal opinions; <br>- lawsuits and appeals; <br>- civil proceedings.
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