We provide training services to company employees in the areas of:<br><br>ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT: Courses include:<br> Training Course for Environmental Internal Auditors: To empower the participant to plan, implement and report periodic audits of the Environmental Management System.<br> Evaluation of Performance and Environmental Indicators: Providing information and data necessary and sufficient for the student to apply the best techniques for analysis of performance and to define strategies for continuous improvement of organizational performance. <br>The student can participate in audits of environmental accounting in any segment, and will learn to identify and prepare plans and programs Goals and Objectives of Environmental Management <br> Course of Waste Management: Provide information necessary and sufficient to enable the participant to deploy and maintain the correct management of waste in your business. <br> Identification and Evaluation of Environmental Impacts and Issues: Empowers the participant to (1) identify the environmental aspects of activities, products and services of the organization, and (2) evaluate the significance of environmental considerations, taking into account the frequency of their occurrence and the severity of associated environmental impacts. <br> IdISO 14000:2004 - Interpretation and Implementation: To enable participants to: (1) interpret and implement the requirements of ISO 14001:2004 standard NBR and (2) compare the requirements of ISO 14001:2004 with the ISO 14001:1996 and assess the impacts of changes in Environmental Management Systems already in place. <br> Environmental Law Applicable to Business Management Systems: Giving participants information and basic concepts necessary to: interpret the universe of laws applicable to corporate management systems and to lift and monitor environmental legislation applicable to environmental management systems in any organization. <br> Climate Change and Sequestration of CO ²: Give the participant an interpretation quickly and at the same time practice, causes and consequences of global warming. Present minimum criteria for interpreting and applying the requirements of the series of international standards ISO 14064. Empower the participant on issues essential to the performance of an inventory of emissions of greenhouse gases, and offers subsidies to understand basic concepts about sustainability. <br> Civial and Criminal Responsability For Environmental Damage: Empower the participant to interpret the universe of laws applicable to the systems of Business Management, and particularly the implications arising from its non-compliance and to know the main differences between the responsibilities and interfaces civil, criminal and administrative. <br><br>INTEGRATIVE MANAGEMENT. Courses include:<br> Training Managers of the Integrated Management System<br> Identification and Risk Assessment of Procedure, Quality, Environmental, Safety and Occupational<br> Integrated Management System<br><br>QUALITY. Courses include:<br> Auditor Formnation of the Quality Management System<br> Evaluation of Customer Satisfaction<br> CEP - Statistical process control<br> Quality Tools<br> MSA - Measurement System Analysis<br> FMEA and Control Plan<br> Process Management<br> ISO 9000:2000 - Interpretation and Implementation<br> ISO TS 16949:2002 - Interpretation and Implementation<br> Continuous Improvement<br><br>SOCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY. Courses include:<br> Internal Auditor of SA 8000 - Organizational Social Responsibility<br> Interpretation SA 8000 and Deployment<br><br>OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY. Courses include:<br> Internal Auditor OHSAS18001 - Management of occupational safety and health<br> Identification, assessment of dangers and risks of occupational safety and health<br> OHSAS 18,000 interpretation and implementation
- company training
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- consulting training
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