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Vista Comercial Do Brasil

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2014



Commercial Representation


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Service area:


The service commercial representation of Commercial View from Brazil for Brazilian and foreign companies that have business or already in, and who needs structure and staff for the commercial service of its customers, offering the Services: <br><br> - Outsourcing (terceirizao) Commercial; <br> - Dedicated telefnico Service; <br> - Commercial Team; <br> - Storage; <br> - Rodovirio Transportation and distribution; <br> - Online Monitoring of procedures; <br> - Customized CRM; <br><br> The VCB performs all trmites with agility and security for the transport of your luggage, whether in importao or export. Budget and provide all the necessary documents Detailed Information This, for your luggage to be released in the Brazilian alfndega with full security. <br><br> In Importao: <br> - Monitoring of the ship's arrival; <br> - Documentary analysis <br> - Transportation Rodovirio (liberao after alfandegria, transport your luggage with all security to any city in Brazil); <br><br> In the export: <br> - Monitoring the arrival and exit of the vessel and shipment period (dead-line); <br> Transportation Rodovirio (collect your luggage Cargo Terminal). <br> - Accreditation traveler SISCOMEX / REVENUE; <br> - Documentary analysis, including ratio of goods, passport, visas, etc..

  • Unaccompanied Baggage (International changes)



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Vista Comercial Do Brasil

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Business type

  • Representation
  • Sourcing
  • Unaccompanied
  • International Moving
  • International Trade
  • Online sales
  • Ver Mais

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario ANDRÉ ********
  • icone de telefone +55 11********
  • map-marker São paulo / SP | Brazil

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