The Chinese Market

Negotiate with the second largest economy of the world!

China is the second largest economy in the world and its GDP has grown exponentially in recent years with the industrial and technological advancement promoted there.

Since 2009, China has surpassed the United States and has become one of the main trading partner for several countries, both in terms of export and import volume. In 2021, for example, Brazil exported more than US$87 billion to China and imported more than US$47 billion.

What does China export to the world?

The main products exported from China to the world during the year 2020 were broadcasting equipment, computers and integrated circuits, but telephones and cloth articles also increased. The main importing countries from China were the USA, Hong Kong, Japan and Germany. The Observatory of Economic Complexity announced that between September 2021 and September 2022 the exports of China have increased by 5.73%.

What does China import from the world?

Among the most prominent Chinese products on the world export list are various items such as electrical, electronic equipment, mineral fuels, oils, distillation products, ores slag and ash, which were the three main categories in 2021. In addition to machinery, boilers ,optical, photo and medical apparatus.

Many companies around the world use B2Brazil to find products from qualified Chinese suppliers. Since there are thousands of Chinese suppliers using our platform to do business with importers from around the world, we decided to launch this initiative to check some of these suppliers and help these companies in this process of finding a good commercial partner in China. However, before doing business with these companies, we advise that a more detailed due diligence and verification process be undertaken to minimize business risk.

Find the best verified Chinese companies on B2Brazil and negotiate the best options for your business!

China is the second largest economy in the world and its GDP has grown exponentially in recent years with the industrial and technological advancement promoted there. Since 2009, China has surpassed the United States and has become one of the main trading partner for several countries,...

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