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Armtec Tecnologia Em Robótica Ltda

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2008



About Us

ARMTEC operates in the market as a factory of capital goods, producing equipments of various specifications. Its purpose is innovation in robotics and equipments. The Company was founded on July 21, 2004, born as a result of a course conclusion final work that obtained prominence in the robotics industry, receiving several awards – the project Support System for Fighting Incidents (SACI).

The Company has evolved from the market demands, and has gained structure, both physically and as a team, from the emergence of new products. After three years of existence, completed in July 2007, ARMTEC counts on a constantly improving structure.

The Company
ARMTEC has emerged from an incentive from the Secretariat of Science, Technology and Superior Education of the State of Ceará (SECITECE) with the support of the University of Fortaleza (UNIFOR) through an invitation to be its first incubated company, at the time called Businesses and Projects Unit (UPN). ARMTEC has also counted on the incentive of the Incubators Program of the Micro and Small Companies Support Service of Ceará (Sebrae / Ce), of which UNIFOR was a member.

ARMTEC was one of the first companies to be selected by the Support Program for the Research in Small Companies (PAPPE), which in Ceará was entitled Competitive Company Program. Due to the consolidation of the Company, Sebrae / CE – during the Incubators Program of Sebrae – invited ARMTEC to integrate the Petro CE Network, becoming also an associated of APEGCE.

Currently, the Company counts with 39 partners in research and development (R & D), being its first partnership with Petrobras. It has three patent applications, one request for utility model, and a forecast for other three patent applications by the end of 2008.

ARMTEC is an associated of ABIMAQ, being a member of the Sectorial Board for Machinery, Equipments and Instruments for Quality Control, Test and Measurement (CSQI). According to the ABIMAQ database (DATAMAQ), ARMTEC is the only CSQI member located in the north-northeast regions of Brazil and the only one that produces robots and robotic capital goods for special applications. ARMTEC, as an industry, is also linked to the Federation of Industries of the State of Ceara (FIEC).



More about
Armtec Tecnologia Em Robótica Ltda

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Business type

  • robotic equipment

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Roberto ********
  • icone de telefone +55 85********
  • map-marker Fortaleza / CE | Brazil

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